Known bugs

The following bugs are in release 3.1.8 of vna/J.

  • In the data analysis dialog you can open two Smith-charts. When you move the cursor in one Smith-chart and then switch the focus to the other Smith-chart, the cursor is moved back to the starting frequency in both charts.s
  • Auto-scale checkbox is not stored to and restored from a preset file
  • There may be something wrong with the GD scale - has to be verified

"I spend a lot of time tuning filters so that the GD measurement option in V3.1.4 has been quite valuable - prior to this I had to export to Excel and calculate therein. I had updated the GUI to V3.1.5 about a month ago and found that the GD scaling has become unusable with the plot producing negative values and the auto/manual scaling just ramping to some impossible limit which you cannot alter to usable values. I reverted to V3.1.4 so as to enable the correct and very useable scaling.

Can you please confirm these last 2 updates have the observed GD error and perhaps enable a fix - I use XP Pro although I don't believe that this has anything to do with it.

Additionally, is there any reason why the GD function is not enabled on reflection (S11) data? You've probably no apparent reason for doing this (I suspect that a variation of this is used for cable length testing) but in fact it is a very useful parameter in passive filter work. Could this be enabled as it is the same calculation a the transmission (S21) data just a different data set?

These bugs will be fixed in the near future.